Last week was packed full of activities and lots of learning! Upon returning to school following the Columbus Day holiday, we read about Christopher Columbus in a variety of books

and compared him to the characters in "Library Mouse: A World to Explore" by David Kirk .
We discussed what it would be like to be an explorer, what an explorer does, and where it would be fun to go exploring. Then, we wrote and illustrated a narrative titled, "If I Was an Explorer." Check out some of our work below:
In honor of "National Fire Safety Week" we took part in a school-wide fire drill and listened to a local fireman teach us some important things to share with our families. We also got to see a fireman get dressed in his rescue gear. Back in our classroom we enjoyed assembling "fire trucks" that were good enough to eat. We have included some pictures below:
As a part of our study of nocturnal animals, we read several non-fiction books about bats. Then, we wrote bat facts and painted beautiful sunset pictures to display our facts on.
We also practiced making a story map,
learned how to determine a theme, and discussed character traits after reading
"Stellaluna" by Janelle Cannon.
This culminated with our "Brown Bag Book Club" discussion on Friday.
All in all, it was a VERY busy week!
and compared him to the characters in "Library Mouse: A World to Explore" by David Kirk .
We discussed what it would be like to be an explorer, what an explorer does, and where it would be fun to go exploring. Then, we wrote and illustrated a narrative titled, "If I Was an Explorer." Check out some of our work below:
In honor of "National Fire Safety Week" we took part in a school-wide fire drill and listened to a local fireman teach us some important things to share with our families. We also got to see a fireman get dressed in his rescue gear. Back in our classroom we enjoyed assembling "fire trucks" that were good enough to eat. We have included some pictures below:
As a part of our study of nocturnal animals, we read several non-fiction books about bats. Then, we wrote bat facts and painted beautiful sunset pictures to display our facts on.
We also practiced making a story map,
learned how to determine a theme, and discussed character traits after reading
"Stellaluna" by Janelle Cannon.
This culminated with our "Brown Bag Book Club" discussion on Friday.
All in all, it was a VERY busy week!
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